
Other Events

Our main event of the year is the weekend. However, from time to time Carshalton Lavender hold other events at the lavender field and elsewhere.

Woodcote Green Horticultural and Cookery Show

Carshalton Lavender is at Woodcote Green again this year – last year the show had nearly 900 exhibits and was a fantastic day out for everyone and you can expect the same again this year.

Ham House

Carshalton Lavender is also at Ham House this year – Sunday 14th October 2012 – check back here for more information nearer the time.

Eco-dating with Carshalton Lavender

In 2009, we held London’s first eco-dating event. Inspired by BTCV York who ran the first ever eco-dating event in spring 2008, London’s first eco-dating event was held by Carshalton Lavender on 18 April 2009.

After two days of heavy rain the weather broke and rewarded us with sunshine – perfect conditions for weeding the lavender field. There was a huge amount of interest in the event and the lucky few had a great time and were treated to homemade cake and biscuits.

Participants had a short introduction to the history of the project which has revived an old local industry and given details of the task they would be doing. They were then divided into pairs and had ten minutes with each other chatting while working until a bell rang and they moved on to meet another date.

At the end of the morning everyone said they enjoyed the day and would recommend it to their friends, 180 strides of the field were weeded in preparation for the lavender harvest and the dates resulted in 15 matches. Love was in the air!

If you are interested in running your own eco-dating event, feel free to use the toolkit written by organiser Jane Durney. Please do credit us and BTCV York.

Interested in future events?

If you’d like to be kept up to date with details of future events then please join our mailing list – just email us with “subscribe to mailing list” in the subject line and we’ll let you know when we’re planning future events.