Annual Harvest
27th & 28th July 2024
We only open our gates to the public for ONE weekend of the year!
Pre-booked tickets have sold out so for Sunday 28th July please just turn up and pay at the gate.
Read our press release for full details about this event here.
Read our FAQs page for answers to your questions about dogs, accessibility and parking etc.
Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th July 2024
10.00am until 5pm (last entry 4.30pm)
You can pay at the gate on the day.
Lavender pickers remember to bring scissors or secateurs with you to cut your lavender.
Adult entry only £1.50
Adult entry including a handsome bunch of lavender picked by you! £5
Up to 2 children aged under 16 are FREE.
Remember our lavender is late flowering, so in July it is in its prime.
You can spend as much time as you wish in the field or visiting a variety of stalls, including ours where you can purchase essential oil, floral water, lavender crafts and lavender plants.
Entrance and exit is via Oaks Way Centre gate (SM5 4NQ).
We are excited to be welcoming back small businesses to sell their handmade & locally crafted items including an award-winning range of Carshalton Lavender skincare, jams, cakes, crafts, etc. We will also be joined by Black Swan Morris on Saturday.
We will have an example £5 bunch for you to see upon entry. If you would like to pick more you can pay for any extra lavender that you pick.on
We are 100% volunteer led and look forward to welcoming you and seeing you enjoy the relaxing scent of Carshalton Lavender.
Please note the main entrance AND exit this year is via Oaks Way Centre.
Limited parking for disabled badge holders at Oaks Way Centre.
Join our mailing list here for updates
- Carshalton Lavender - exclusively distilled on site - pure essential oil & floral water, lavender crafts and books
- Plants including different varieties of Lavender plants
- Award winning aromatherapy skincare & room sprays locally made by Louisa from Just Be Natural including a unique Carshalton Heritage Lavender range
- Delicious Connies Cakes including a specially made lavender one, gluten free options available.
- Mouth watering Chutneys, Jams and Jellies from Jam Packed Preserves
- Food - deliciously organic, super tasty bhajis and pakoras - oh yes WHAM BAM Mother Bhumi is back
- A selection of Patchwork crafts by Amanda Wilkes
- Face painting with Olga Budina
- Emma's Art - hand painted upcycled and recycled beautiful art pieces
- Daisy's Vintage Ices delicious ice cream
- BantamLady - cordials made from locally picked fruit
- Patricia Galligan Art - local artist - cards & prints
- Black Swan Morris Dancers raising funds for Wallington Animal Rescue - Saturday only
- Really Awesome Coffee - enjoy a brew on the field!
- Mama's Beeswax - soaps, candles and other items for the home
- Plus information stalls from Honeywood Museum and the local police team, plus a First Aid tent.
All of the above stallholders have signed up to have a stall at our harvest but we are unable to guarantee their attendance.
How to Find Us
This year our entrance and exit are via the same gate. This gate is located next to Oaks Way Centre, SM5 4NQ. See map below or visit our website page here for more maps and public transport options.

We are NOT located anywhere near to Oaks Park. Please don't confuse us with Mayfield Lavender.
What to Wear
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to pick the lavender this weekend. We are hoping to be lucky and that it will remain dry but best to bring an umbrella / rainwear just in case as you never know with British weather. If it does get wet for your entry it may be a good idea to wear wellies or waterproof footwear as it can be slippery and on the field the ground is uneven.
Photo Opportunities
The event will go ahead rain or shine as this is our only open weekend. As well as picking lavender there will be photo opportunities in the field and around our vine and display area.
Stalls - Cash & Card Needed
We will have lavender plants, essential oil, floral waters, lavender crafts and books for sale and we are joined by other local businesses listed above.
Not all stallholders are able to accept card payments so best to to have some cash with you just in case.
If you have just bought a £1.50 adult entry ticket and you decide you would like to pick some lavender, please pay the extra £3.50 at the gate or our stall and obtain wrist band.
Toilets & Parking
Toilets are available at Oaks Way Centre. There are a few spaces for blue badge holders to park within Oaks Way Centre car park. If you do come via car please park sensibly in the surrounding roads as they are on a bus route. We encourage you to visit via public transport (info here) on foot or via bicycle if possible.
Ticket Confirmation Info
Please read your ticket confirmation info for full details of the day and what to bring with you - scissors, secateurs etc. We are unable to provide these.
Big Butterfly Count
You may wish to take part in this and you can download the app here.
Picnic Blanket
There are some areas in and around the field where you may be able to sit down so you may want to bring a blanket or rug to sit on.
The lavender is on an allotment site and the rules state no dogs allowed.
We are 100% run by volunteers and look forward to welcoming you this weekend. We want you to have a lovely time in the field so hope that all this information is helpful for you
Sign up to our mailing list here to be the first to hear about future events and volunteering sessions.
We are 100% run by volunteers and we are very excited to be welcoming volunteers back for our Saturday morning sessions with social distancing and the necessary safety measures in place. If you'd like to meet new people, get some fresh air and exercise find out more on our Get Involved page. Book into a session via our Facebook page, email or call us.
If you would like to help at one of our PYO events do get in touch.

Pick a bunch of lavender to take home for
* floral decoration
* herbal remedies
* culinary use
* drying to scent rooms and linen
* giving as gifts
* using in handmade soaps, cream, lotions etc
* making lavender crafts such as lavender bags, paper, pouches, candles, door stops, pillows
* charity stall makes

Family Activities - free for accompanied children
- pick lavender while enjoying exploring in the field
- take part in the Big Butterfly Count - download the app
- spot bees, birds, ladybirds and butterflies
- catch rosemary beetles (lavender's natural enemy, we need to eliminate them by hand)
Pay-as-you-go activities
- face painting

Lavender sales by Carshalton Lavender volunteers including
- fresh lavender
- hand-tied floristry bunches
- lavender plants - various varieties
- lavender books - history, products
- lavender essential oil - as distilled in the field
- lavender floral water - room spray/linen water
- lavender bread (Sat only) & shortbread (while stock lasts)
Photo opportunities -
- the field is a sea of lavender blue when in flower, so very photogenic
- find a quiet corner to photograph friends and family
- a great chance to make a study of bees and butterflies

In The Field
- be part of the centuries-old tradition of gathering at the harvest to celebrate nature's sights and smells among the fragrant lavender
- see the Still and discover how lavender oil is distilled
- learn about our lavender heritage and traditions during the demonstrations
- see photos of London's historic lavender industry
- chat with current volunteers and learn about how to help continue that heritage through practical work in the field and more sedentary volunteering opportunities such as
- taking cuttings
- making up lavender bunches
- packing dried lavender buds
- setting up/ manning our stall at local produce markets
- see how areas of the field are being regenerated to replace the older plants
- see the different varieties of lavender growing in the display area

Oaks Way Centre will be open over our harvest weekend and this is where you will find the toilets. Please note that there are no toilets on our field but some refreshments are available. See above list of stalls for full details. The Oaks Way Centre runs a whole range of activities and services and you can find more out at their website here.