Pre-booked tickets have sold out so for Sunday 28th July please just turn up and pay at the gate.
Would you like to help us on the field?
We are 100% run by volunteers and we welcome help at our Saturday morning sessions from 10.30am until 12.30pm.
If you'd like to meet new people, get some fresh air and exercise find out more on our Get Involved page.
Book into a session via our Facebook page, contact us here or leave us a voicemail on 07948 174907.
Sign up to our mailing list here to be the hear about future events and volunteering opportunities.
Like our Facebook page for regular updates or join us on Instagram

A film produced by Guy Gotto exploring the history of the Lavender industry in the borough. Commissioned by the London Borough of Sutton.
Even though our lavender field was planted over 25 years ago many people still confuse us with other local commercial lavender fields.
We are tucked away within Stanley Road allotments - you can't see us from the main road - see maps here.
For volunteering sessions the best way to find us is to look for Oaks Way Centre, SM5 4NQ as the gate to our field is right next to this Day Centre for the elderly. We are NOT near to Oaks Park.
For our harvest open weekends the entrance gate is also via Oaks Way Centre, SM5 4NQ and this is where the toilets are located - within Oaks Way Centre.
Very limited parking is available for blue badge holders only at Oaks Way Centre over the harvest weekend.
Read all about the history of lavender in the area and our own history in For Love of Lavender written by Louisa Pini.
Article first published in In Essence Vol. 18 No. 1 - Autumn/Winter 2019.
Posted by kind permission of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA).